Build a solid financial foundation with Coop Corporate cards

The craftsman profession is hectic. Then the only thing missing would be that you don’t have to spend unnecessary time on the accounts. Coop corporate cards make it easy to keep full control and collect all purchases on one card.

Pay for lunch and paint with the same card

Coop corporate cards can be used in all Coop stores. This means that you can both buy cheap lunch at Coop Extra and building materials at Coop Obs bygg, with the same card. And with up to 10 cards in the company and NOK 300,000 in credit, you get extra freedom to make purchases – when it suits.

Work with the customers, not the accounts

We want to make it as easy as possible for craft businesses. With many customers and high activity, we know that it can quickly get a bit hectic with many receipts and invoices to be paid. Coop corporate cards give you a better overview as you can collect purchases on one invoice, straight into the accounting system. Get a full overview of what was traded, when, where and by whom, without a single receipt. In the store, you can also enter a project number so that the expenses are linked directly to the right project.

Discount on fuel and other benefits

For many, the car is the most important work tool, especially in the trades. Use the opportunity to save money where you can. With the Coop Bedriftskort you get fixed discounts on diesel, petrol and industrial diesel at all Cirkle K and Best stations.

Fixed discounts on fuel:*

Diesel 60 øre per litre
Petrol 57 øre per litre
Plant diesel 100 øre per litre

Including VAT

*20 øre lower discount on vending machines/unattended stations.

In addition, you can benefit from other discounts on electricity and telephony. Through Coop’s corporate card, you get 15% on a business subscription with Talkmore and a very favorable agreement on 100% renewable energy from Entelios.

To kredittkort med overliggende Coop Bedrift logo

Are you ready to put the finances together?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, please contact us on (+47) 66 85 86 55 by filling in your name and phone number in “Do you want help with the application?” form on the application page.