The card that gives more time to help

Coop corporate cards make it easier for employees in health and social services to make purchases – completely without outlays and receipts.

Convenient shopping

Coop corporate cards can be used in all Coop stores. This means that you can choose from more than 1,200 stores across the country. We feel confident that you will find a store near your workplace, or on the road between different workplaces. It comes in handy in a hectic everyday life.

Spend your time on more important things than finances

With the Coop corporate card, you always get a full overview of your expenses. We collect all purchases on one invoice, so employees do not have to take care of receipts and spend precious time on unnecessary financial work. It is also possible to have up to 10 cards linked to the same account, which is practical if there are several people responsible for the actions. The purchases can be linked to a project or marked with an ID for an even better overview. In any case, all purchases are shown on one invoice and it is possible to follow the costs on an ongoing basis on My Page.

Food and office supplies on the same card

Coop not only has many stores, but also a huge selection. With the Coop corporate card, you can therefore shop for a wide range of goods. Both affordable groceries, lunch and meeting food, but also office supplies, building materials and a new coffee maker for the break room. The amount limit of NOK 300,000 means that the card can not only be used both for everyday purchases and larger projects.

The card for everything

The breadth of Coop’s stores is one of the great strengths of Coop corporate cards. Here you can get hold of all kinds of food, both cheap ingredients at Coop Extra and exclusive selection at Coop Mega. Or perhaps visit one of our other stores and buy everything from kitchen appliances, building materials, electronics and much more. No matter where you shop, you only need to deal with one card.

Ready for a simpler everyday life? Apply for the card here

Advantages of the Coop corporate card

Always a shop nearby
Coop has more than 1,200 stores across the country. This makes us one of Norway’s largest grocery players.

Access to a wide range of products
You can find almost everything you need for your business in coop’s stores.

Shop by card, pay by invoice
All purchases come on an invoice with a 32-day interest-free payment deferral.

Up to 300,000 in amount limit
Freedom to make both large and small purchases, when you need it.

Overview of all purchases
On Min Page you have full control over all purchases. Which card has been used and what has been purchased.

EHF invoice
The EHF invoice is sent directly to your accounting system. If you mark the purchase at checkout, you will also have this ready, and avoid further manual processing.

More customer benefits

Rabatt på drivstoff hos Circle K

With the Coop corporate card, you get a simpler and more efficient purchasing routine in the company. The card can be used for daily purchases in all Coop stores. In addition, you can use the card – and save money – at Circle K and Best.

Fuel discount at Cirkle K and Best: 60 øre/litre on diesel and 57 øre/litre on petrol, and 100 øre on industrial diesel.*

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Entelios logo plassert på bilde av en foss i norsk natur

100% renewable electricity

Together with Entelios, we now offer a very affordable electricity agreement to our Coop corporate card customers. Through management, Entelios trades electricity on behalf of its customers, which results in a low price over time*.

Kvinne hos Talkmore bedrift som ser på mobil og holder en laptop

Discount on mobile telephony

For the sixth year in a row, EPSI’s independent survey has named Talkmore Bedrift the mobile operator with the most satisfied and loyal customers – and as a corporate card customer you get a 15% discount on all subscriptions.